Browser Compatibility
LiteRT Backend / chromeOS, Linux, Windows and Android
WebNN | CPU | GPU | NPU |
chromsOS | β LiteRT/XNNPACK | πβΉοΈ LiteRT To do, temporarily fallback to XNNPACK | πβΉοΈ LiteRT To do, temporarily fallback to XNNPACK |
Linux | β LiteRT/XNNPACK | πβΉοΈ LiteRT To do, temporarily fallback to XNNPACK | πβΉοΈ LiteRT To do, temporarily fallback to XNNPACK |
Windows | β
LiteRT/XNNPACK πβΉοΈ WCR/MLAS (deprecated) | β DirectML | β DirectML |
Android | β LiteRT/XNNPACK | πβΉοΈ LiteRT To do, temporarily fallback to XNNPACK | πβΉοΈ LiteRT To do, temporarily fallback to XNNPACK |
The WebNN LiteRT backend mainly supported on ChromeOS, Linux, Windows and Android.
WebNN Spec | Operations | Chromium Version |
argMax | β ARG_MAX | M126 |
argMin | β ARG_MIN | M126 |
batchNormalization | β Emulated with Scale * ((Input - Mean) / sqrt(Variance + Epsilon)) + Bias | M127 |
cast | β CAST | M126 |
clamp | β RELU_N1_TO_1 β RELU6 β RELU | M112 |
concat | β CONCATENATION | M113 |
conv2d | β CONV_2D β DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D | M112 |
convTranspose2d | β TRANSPOSE_CONV | M128 |
cumulativeSum | β CUMSUM | M132 |
dequantizeLinear | β QUANTIZE | M132 |
element-wise binary / add | β ADD | M112 |
element-wise binary / div | β DIV | M112 |
element-wise binary / max | β MAXIMUM | M112 |
element-wise binary / min | β MINIMUM | M112 |
element-wise binary / mul | β MUL | M112 |
element-wise binary / notEqual | β NotEqual | M134 |
element-wise binary / pow | β POW | M122 |
element-wise binary / sub | β SUB | M112 |
element-wise logical / equal | β EQUAL | M126 |
element-wise logical / greater | β GREATER | M126 |
element-wise logical / greaterOrEqual | β GREATER_EQUAL | M126 |
element-wise logical / lesser | β LESS | M126 |
element-wise logical / lesserOrEqual | β LESS_EQUAL | M126 |
element-wise logical / logicalAnd | β LOGICAL_AND | M132 |
element-wise logical / logicalOr | β LOGICAL_OR | M132 |
element-wise logical / logicalXor | β NOT_EQUAL | M132 |
element-wise logical / not | β LOGICAL_NOT | M126 |
element-wise unary / abs | β ABS | M116 |
element-wise unary / ceil | β CEIL | M116 |
element-wise unary / identity | β RESHAPE | M126 |
element-wise unary / cos | β COS | M123 |
element-wise unary / erf | β SIGN | M128 |
element-wise unary / exp | β EXP | M123 |
element-wise unary / floor | β FLOOR | M116 |
element-wise unary / log | β LOG | M123 |
element-wise unary / neg | β NEG | M116 |
element-wise unary / reciprocal | β Emulated with 1/x | M127 |
element-wise unary / sin | β SIN | M123 |
element-wise unary / sqrt | β SQRT | M122 |
elu | β ELU | M115 |
expand | β BROADCAST_TO | M128 |
gather | β GATHER | M126 |
gatherElements | β Emulated with GATHER_ND | M133 |
gatherND | β GATHER_ND | M132 |
gelu | β GELU | M128 |
gemm | β FULLY_CONNECTED | M112 |
gru | β Emulated | M129 |
gruCell | β Emulated | M129 |
hardSigmoid | β Emulated with y = max(0, min(1, alpha * // x + beta)) | M126 |
hardSwish | β HARD_SWISH | M112 |
instanceNormalization | β Emulated with Scale * ((Input - Mean) / sqrt(Variance + Epsilon)) + Bias | M127 |
layerNormalization | β Emulated | M127 |
leakyRelu | β LEAKY_RELU | M113 |
linear | β Emulated with alpha * x + beta | M126 |
lstm | β Emulated | M129 |
lstmCell | β Emulated | M129 |
matmul | β BATCH_MATMUL | M126 |
pad | β PAD | M114 |
pooling / averagePool2d | β AVERAGE_POOL_2D | M112 |
pooling / l2Pool2d | π L2_POOL_2D | |
pooling / maxPool2d | β MAX_POOL_2D | M112 |
prelu | β PRELU | M115 |
quantizeLinear | β QUANTIZE | M132 |
reduction / reduceL1 | β Emulated with adding abs operation before reduceSum | M128 |
reduction / reduceL2 | β Emulated with appending pow(x, 0.5) after reduceSumSquare | M128 |
reduction / reduceLogSum | β Emulated with log and reduceSum | M127 |
reduction / reduceLogSumExp | β Emulated with log, reduceSum and exp | M127 |
reduction / reduceMax | β REDUCE_MAX | M126 |
reduction / reduceMean | β MEAN | M120 |
reduction / reduceMin | β REDUCE_MIN | M126 |
reduction / reduceProduct | β REDUCE_PROD | M126 |
reduction / reduceSum | β SUM | M126 |
reduction / reduceSumSquare | β Emulated with reduceSum and square | M127 |
relu | β RELU | M112 |
reshape | β RESHAPE | M112 |
reverse | β REVERSE | M133 |
scatterElements | β Emulated with SCATTER_ND and WHERE | M133 |
scatterND | β SCATTER_ND | M132 |
sigmoid | β LOGISTIC | M112 |
sign | β SIGN | M130 |
slice | β SLICE | M116 |
softmax | β SOFTMAX | M112 |
softplus | β Emulated with ln(1 + exp(x)) | M126 |
softsign | β Emulated with x / (1 + |x|) | M127 |
split | β SPLIT_V | M116 |
tanh | β TANH | M116 |
tile | β TILE | M131 |
transpose | β TRANSPOSE | M113 |
triangular | β Emulated | M128 |
where | β SELECT_V2 | M126 |